Moderator guild forum forge of empires
Moderator guild forum forge of empires

moderator guild forum forge of empires

That's not effective, fun communication, that's flippant at it's best and misleading at it's worst. Of course the banter is nice but it would be nicer if the actual message weren't muddied by the poor choice of words, bad grammar, misspellings, and general dislocution from the content they wish to impart. I rather keep my frivolous and free-spirited side to the actual play of the game and keep my information source clear and simple. If someone with my skills and level of training can't understand what you mean then it's simply not decipherable.Ĭlick to expand.And some of us just want the facts. Good grief, the text is so vague that I can't make heads or tails of it and I'm actually pretty darned good at guessing a writer's intent using underdeveloped or just plain bad language skills by having been a reader-grader for over 8 years while attending college and graduate school myself for the Division of English, Classics, and Philosophy at a rather sizeable State University in the '90s when I went back to school. Again - with the lack of communication due to poor choice of words! "What" building(s) could be shrunk? Do you mean the wishing wells or the fountains of youth? Both? Neither? Some of the new buildings? Goode, stop trying to be cute and just inform us of the changes!! Do you honestly believe us to be incapable of reading text above a 4th grade reading level?Īnd what on Earth is the deal with the so-called change/fix/whatever it was (unclear language!!) on the GE L4 Kit rewards about shrinking buildings? I certainly do not remember any annoucement regarding this issue. That whole announcement was a horrible read! I agree with B.

Moderator guild forum forge of empires